• whats that sound?
    who is thier?
    why is it so dark?
    why do you care?
    i see a man
    over their
    why is he here?
    i feel like i know him
    i feel like he will alway be their
    is he my gaurdian
    or is he here to fill me with fear
    he is so near
    so diffrent
    but nice
    his pale skin feels like ice
    but he has no weapon
    he has no soul
    and yet he cares for me in the shadows
    he is here to help
    that is what i can see
    if he wasnt why would he revile himself to me
    all this shows
    all you know
    is that even
    a lost soul
    somone who is dark
    can be a angel in the shadows
    a devil that will help you
    the demon of hope