• sun trickling on my back
    im facing the other way
    towards a dark
    dangerous and blinding cave

    i have no sense of direction
    i go where i please
    so i walk to the darkness
    the light fleeing from me

    as i pace onward
    little voices quietly whisper in my ear
    dont go any near!"

    halting for a second
    listening to the voices
    bitting my lips
    i must make some choices

    the sun was back there
    the warmth had left me
    coldness wrapping its arms around me

    "you must go back
    before its too late.
    go back to paradise
    or you will meet your fate"

    i heard the voice
    loud and clear
    so i walk
    to the place i hold very dear

    it is where cold and warm
    dark and light
    join together
    in the sparkling moonlight