• The search for someone to understand,
    trying to find a hand to hold on to.
    Something is there that you can't explain,
    you here someone calling out you're name.
    Miss directed miss used,
    every time you're just abused.

    But You're searching and you don't care.
    you're searching everywhere.
    You're searching for love, for hope, for strength,for the light to the way.

    You're in the darkest place,
    trying to cover you're face.
    You cry out, can any one help me?
    You cry out, can anyone save me?

    But you're searching and you don't care.
    You're searching everywhere.
    You're searching for love, for hope, for strength, for the light to the way.

    Time is a thief,
    as you sit there and you weep.
    You feel there is nothing you can do but lie there and cry,
    with outstretched arms as you're broken down.

    But you're searching and you don't care .
    You're searching everywhere.
    You're searching for love, for hope, for strength, for the light to the way.

    But you're searching for Jesus,
    some one who can sweep you away in his arms.
    you're searching for Jesus some one who is the hope,
    some one who is the strength,
    some one who is the light, who is the path,
    and the way.

    As you cry out, Cry for Jesus.
    As you cry out, ask for forgiveness.
    As you cry out, He is listening, with a loving heart,
    As you cry out, the only way Is Jesus.
    As you cry out, Ask him in to you heart, as your savior forever.