• Mom do you think less of me?

    Am i not the daughter you once had?

    I want to apologize cause your the best mom i'll ever have,

    I didn't want to tell you because i was afraid,

    i wanted to but couldn't,

    my heart is distant, its out of range,

    I'm sorry I didn't tell you but would you have told your mom?

    If you were me, 15 of age, wouldn't your heart tell you to stop?

    Wouldn't you be afraid that your mom wouldn't be the same?

    I'm sorry i didn't tell you i guess that I'm ashamed,

    i dont want you to think that this is all your fault,

    i take Full responsibility but my heart is at a hault,

    *sigh* i feel as if things will now be differen in so many ways,

    please don't send me away....

    please tell me that I can stay....

    just things have been going wrong and i guess this is what i'll say,

    even if you dis-own me all i'll do is pray,

    pray that you wont think that i am just a slut,

    Its a slap to the face telling me to "shut the ******** up."

    But do what ever you please because i have no more to say...

    but i just wanted to tell you... Luis is the only one who can brighten my day..