• crack crack
    my head to the wall, the wall, i hit the wall
    i put a nail in it
    (well, if you bring a hammer...)
    i slipped down the stairs
    i hit the nail
    i hit the wall
    head on

    crack crack
    just like my my chest
    (it caved in)
    and the sound i made
    with my fingers interlaced
    my fingers met my palms
    the orb, a fist
    i slammed it into your teeth

    crack crack
    when you crashed into that wall
    you crashed into that nail
    it sliced through the silence
    when it took the irreplaceable
    the unforgivable, your beautiful eye
    (now you look like a pirate)
    and wasn't it you,
    who slipped down those stairs?

    crack crack
    (check out your new peg leg)
    we're cheek to cheek and i use my teeth
    to chew behind your ear
    (oh god, you taste so good)
    my hands on your chest
    i feel your pain!
    (but you'll never know mine)

    crack crack
    like my dreams
    and i’m naked on the floor
    (i was raped)
    and i got up
    i punched you. we embraced.
    and slipped down the stairs