• So much pain
    So much death
    It hurts so bad
    And im so weak

    Whats to say
    No more left
    Cant think at all
    So much worry

    Cant you stay
    One more second
    I beg you please
    Until i die

    But why I cry
    I close my eyes
    And they dont open
    You wait there

    But whats the point, i died
    whats left?
    you cant save me
    just leave

    you cry
    and weap
    but why so weak
    im dead
    your scared

    but why
    i cant seem to understand
    so much pain
    and so much death

    but your still alive
    but why
    i died
    i watch u stand there

    when finally you drop to the floor
    so much blood
    it kills me more
    whats to see anymore

    your gone
    and im in hell
    but your in heaven
    and still weap and cry