• fallen i look
    up to see your face
    you laugh and walk

    my heart breaks
    into a million pieces
    and they drop
    onto the floor
    they sound like ticking clocks
    and straw on the open field
    that sound no one hears
    until its too late

    to save me
    as i perish
    you sit and just watch me
    as i fall
    you laugh
    a mocking haughtiy
    little laugh
    and you walk out the door
    and toss the key
    to my heart on the floor
    it sounds so loud it still
    ringing in my ears
    and you shut the door
    sending a cool breeze
    my way

    i would have given my life
    i gave my love
    my joy
    my all to you
    but you left me
    with a smile
    you used me
    my love
    my joy
    my all

    you left me
    with nothing
    but my shattered heart
    my sadden mind
    and beaten body
    you left me for
    a girl
    with short
    hair and an
    evil glare
    a soft smirk
    but silky hair

    the next time i see you
    you will be broken not me
    your heart shattered into millions
    of pieces and with
    sad remorsful eyes

    should i kick you or help you
    be my decsion

    but i will always remember that night
    my heart was shattered
    and i was left
    with a memory
    and nothing more

    but nothing less.............