• A battle of life or death
    Between two races until the other ones last breath
    A never ending battle that will not seize
    As vampire hunters bare their blades and vampires fangs are unsheathed
    The battle continues but no one ever sees
    How the hunter and hunted always bleed
    The battle bends time and space
    Trying to determine one final race
    But over time no one has succeeded
    What one kind is needed
    The vampire hunters taking the life of the undeserving
    Were as the vampires life is unnerving
    Taking life for what they need
    Blood taking demons are what they are deemed
    But the vampire hunters have no care
    Because they don’t have that guilt to bare
    They just kill the vampires for how they are seen
    Blood sucking monsters which is what they mean
    Two races battling a battle of unknowing each others kind
    Because the hunter and hunted have a one tracked mind
    As for who will win their rightful place
    No one knows the ending to this case
    But hopefully somewhere in time they will see how foolish they have been
    And reconcile their sins
    So that way the hunter and the hunted can live in peace
    That way this moronic battle will seize