• Smiles cover everything,
    Plaster the walls, suffocate the furniture.
    But infectious, they are not.
    Behind them is nothing,
    but nightmares and bitter cold.
    The smiles are just to cover,
    something darker.
    Plastered like cheap wallpaper,
    stitched together like bad upholstery.
    You, even you, are clothed in them,
    dirty little smiles,
    of your own creation.
    Suffocating, so slowly, dying.
    Choking you, those smiles are,
    Malicious little things,
    but you were already drowning,
    drowning in this pool of lies,
    that you filled for yourself,
    to bathe in your own self-loathing.
    Good night, now,
    and don't forget
    keep smiling.
