• Smell the fire cooking skin
    Wailing, moaning quite a din.

    Bodies mounded in a pile
    In your mouth arises bile.

    Children crying for their mothers
    Grown men sobbing over dead brothers

    What’s the cause of this and that?
    Well you see dear it was the rats!

    You see witches symbols were now cats.
    And people beat them with sticks and bats.

    Wo unto the ignorant population
    Sparing the cats could have saved the nation.

    Carrying the poison were the pests
    Saving the cats would have spared the rest.

    Ignorant nation with such near-sight
    Not killing cats could lessened the blight

    Not dipping cats in boiling wax
    Could have lessened the weight on your backs

    Rats were the malevolent
    Cats were the benevolent