• On a summer's day long, long ago
    I fell in love and I'll never know
    Just what it was that made me feel
    So drawn to him, what the appeal
    That set my pulses so to race
    When e'er I gazed upon that face
    Of one who was scarce but a child
    Yet even then could drive me wild
    I'll never know the how's and why's
    I lost my heart to Hazel Eyes
    But when I got that long sought kiss
    I knew I'd found my Perfect Mix
    My elfin boy from down the lane
    And I'll never let him go again

    For how could I describe our love?
    Romantic love, all hearts and flowers
    No way to count the days and hours
    Spent in self-indulgent wishes
    And thoughts of long awaited kisses
    Of sweet embraces, tender sighs
    And gazing into love filled eyes
    Oh yes, it is that kind of love

    Or, is it yet the love of passion
    The ecstasy that knows no ration
    That shuddering nerve-tingling feeling
    The climax with your senses reeling
    The wondrous joy when you discover
    That sweet surrender to your lover
    Oh yes, it's that kind of love too.

    Or even yet a love that grows
    One that cares and one that knows
    That sees beyond the outer skin
    Into the person deep within
    That loves the spirit and the soul
    The inner self that makes the whole
    Built on trust and empathy
    A love you know was meant to be

    The love we share is all these things
    A love that has no need of rings
    A love you never need to doubt
    A love I cannot live without
    A love to last us all our days
    A love I'll share with you always