• Walking to grandmas house what do i see?
    A grandma that is sick as can be
    I give her her medicine as i was told
    but grandma turns in to a fox that looks so bold
    it stares at me with its cunning eyes
    it has an annoyed look to my surprise
    I plea and beg for it not to hurt me
    But it just smiles and says you can not flee
    for your grandma is dead she died in fear
    i had killed her without a tear
    no one can save you now
    no one can here your plea so just come closer to me
    I get closer to the fox and i began to speak
    if you kill me then kill me quick for this kind of death was not my pick
    just then there was a knock on the door and a voice was booming
    Is everything allright? i heard what sounded much like a fight
    it was the woodsman who entered the door he stood there axe in hand he had come to reclaim this land
    the fox stared at him with the beaty eyes and spoke with a voice of demise
    who are you and what do you want? i am here with my grand daughter there was no slaughter
    the woodsman looked at the girl shrouded with fear he saw the tears and had heard the plea he came running as you can see
    but what happens next is but a mystery
    for many tales have been told through out history