• You spill the blood of animals;
    of rabbits, mice, monkeys,
    inject them with hypodermic needles,
    so you can spread rouge
    on your collagen injected lips.

    Spray your air freshener to cover the stink,
    of the pollution made from the factory
    that made that same air freshener.

    You pet your dog, your cat,
    while you eat animals you killed
    to end up on your plate.

    You end lives to survive.
    Murder is illegal, while wars rage on.
    Wars you support.

    You pay big sucks
    so your tiny square of land
    in your front lawn
    is green and perfect
    while the rest of the world.
    the grass, the land,
    the land once green,
    green like your lawn,
    is turning to brown, to decayed, to ash
    ash like cigarette ashes on a crystal ashtray.

    You stay inside under fluorescent lights,
    while outside the sun shines bright.

    You say you want a change.
    But you just sit, sit, sit,
    sit looking pretty while your world
    is slowly disappearing, decaying, turning brown,
    decomposing faster with those chemicals that run off
    from your house.
    Sacrificing this world around you
    so that you are sitting there,
    sitting there in the grey smog,
    and brown grass,
    sitting there looking pretty.

    You say you cannot do anything,
    “One person cannot change it.”
    “One person cannot make a difference.”
    And yet,
    at the same time,
    you vote for your president,
    you vote for your officers.

    Don’t let the world fade away,
    our animals disappear,
    air turn black with smog,
    our grass dried up,
    and gone.
    Don’t destroy what little we have.

    Go green. Go veg.
    No animal testing.

    You can do SOMETHING.