• You told me we can't be together,

    When you said we'd last forever

    You told me I was the one for you,

    how could i have thought that was true?

    i was just some one to take her place,

    you didn't even say it to my face

    You were my everything, and everything was you,

    So without you there is no me.

    Why does this always happen to me?

    Only to end up alone and in tears again?

    It is me? do I need to change?

    am i not good enough?

    I had never opened up to anyone like I did with you,

    How can I repair something that is now broken in two?

    There is only one

    Who knows me, loves me

    and i thought that was you

    some one that knows exactly what to say at the right moment

    And the one person was you.