• Lost

    Pardon? Cant you hear my heartbreaking underneath my skin?
    You should, Its loud and tearing me down to my knees begging me to breathe.
    Its a song that plays over and over that no one but you can understand.
    Dont you hear it? Why cant you? Its confusing.
    I'm lost,

    Excuse me? Cant you feel my hand touching yours?
    You should, as I grasp on to you, latch on to you, as if your my only meaning for survival
    As you laugh and look back at her, Cant you feel me dig in to your skin so that you wont leave me alone?
    Cant you feel it? Why cant you? Its confusing.

    I'm lost, into my mind, as your there all the time, but reality is empty and you stop to go and exist in her thoughts that are clouded with lust as my love grows and my heart breaks and my hand looses its grip on yours....I
    fall. into a painful existence that hurts like knives peircing my skin like bullets flying into my shoulders like a cold slow agonizing torture as you hold her, as you touch her, as you loose feeling in your fingertips....I fall. I scream.
    Don't you hear it? Don't you feel it? Why cant you? Its confusing.
    Im lost....