• You will never know how I feel about you cause Im to afriad to say.I have dreams about you every night and think about you every day.Your in my life forever now and I dont know how to say: My heart leaps every time you say my name. You know just how to make me laugh your and no matter how you feel some times, to me your never lame. When Haily came into your life I thought it would'nt last, but now times going by me and its going by so fast. I wish we could go back now, back deep into the past when you saw me more for me less than that. That thing you'd hang apon your wall but never take a single look at. Why I never told you how I felt I never will know why, but now im sitting in a room and times still flying by . If I tould than would things be different now, but than I just think how. I know it will not happen but still i think what if. If you were me and I was you would you do any thing dif.

    Written with love to TQ By: Kara