• lying down awake
    focusing on you
    weather i see you tomorrow
    who knew what love would do

    cant fall asleep
    excited by the thought
    of seeing your gazing eyes
    after i wake up

    still hopeful
    shes so alluring
    cant fall asleep
    always just stirring

    unable to drift away
    awake i will stay
    dreaming of the next day
    where i wish we could stay

    i walk in the hallway
    not saying a word
    wanting to see her
    the moment i turn

    by the locker
    in my group
    noticing the lacking,
    moment of truth
    where my hopes have been stacking

    frantically looking
    hoping shes late
    i notice that someone
    has taken her place

    i realize shes gone
    at least for the day
    so the thought comes early
    for the next day

    still hopeful
    shes so alluring
    cant fall asleep
    always just stirring

    lying awake
    wanting to say
    the next time i see you
    will be my perfect day