• A quiet girl sits in the corner of the classroom, hiding from the world. She watches as people talk and laugh. She wants to share in the laughter but she's not sure how. She has secrets she's sure they don’t have but then again every quiet girl has deep dark secrets that even her best friends don’t know. Ones that only comes alive alone in the dark. What anyone would give to be a fly on her wall to watch her transform into something no one ever imagined. She smiles at the thought of anyone knowing but would never admit to what even scares her from time to time. She scared what they'll think but she does want to admit fear ethier. She hides emotions so people won’t judge her. Secrets, her life is made of them so what’s one more for her to hide. She locks it all away as the bell rings. Once more pushing it back down inside as she fakes a smile to a friend awaiting her in the hall. She laughs as they walk away wondering if her friend feels the same.