• you come near me
    you stand there, and I'm already smiling
    your totally unaware your the reason why im smiling

    what is this feeling?
    butterflies in my stomach
    gigles in my laugh
    what is this feeling?

    you tell me you wanted to come talk to me
    I ask you how you are?
    you tell me that your all crazy today, and i tell you
    that sometimes thats not always a bad thing

    what is this feeling?
    gigles in my laugh
    my stomach feels full
    what is this feeling?

    we walk to your class, i tell you that i'll
    see you tomorow, and you say yeah see you tomorow

    what is this feeling?
    giggles in my stomach
    my stomach feels full, and i feel like
    screaming with joy
    what is this feeling