• the door is open
    the magic is there
    the time is right
    so walk on through
    your chance is here
    esape your story

    the coice is yours now whose story?
    what adventure what book will you open?
    whose adventure will you hear?
    go where your imagination takes you the next tale will start there
    so let the pages pull you through
    read cover to cover left to right

    keep this in mind and all will be right
    you may venture from novel to story
    take a peak through
    whatever is open
    the oportunity isnt always there
    dont worry the end is not yet here

    remember these words are nt yours you words are not here
    so take a right
    and go straight and the beginigng is there
    the cove of the story
    its magic, its words are now open
    dont forget your own words remember the path and go straight through

    word by word page by page you must make it through
    you cant stop here
    the last chapter is about to open
    the last page is here
    you made it to the end of the story
    go to your novel go back there

    the path is there
    no time to fall back through
    remember your story
    my warning is here
    remember your words you must remember them right...
    NOW! its now open

    youpages are open over there
    run right through
    your here back in your story