• A life of sorrow is the one which I used to have,
    A life which I didn’t want,
    A life without friends,
    A life that I knew I would have to live through alone,

    So one day I decided to do something,
    I couldn’t take it anymore,
    I wrote a letter expressing all my sorrows,
    Hoping that maybe my burdens would be lifted,

    Even by the slightest,
    But of course no such luck existed,
    For it was found and my nightmare started,
    One of which I knew wouldn’t go away as easily as the others,

    Such torment and hardship I faced,
    Until I couldn’t stand it anymore and exploded,
    And yet no one seemed to care,
    Nobody appeared to back me up,

    No shoulder for me to cry on,
    No hand reached out to catch me when I fell,
    Which has lead me to rethink the word friend,
    We make friends all the time,

    And yet why is it that some friends are there to keep,
    And some that just pass you by even when you’re crying for help,
    I still cry now, once in a while,
    Not wanting to get hurt again,

    I try my best not to get near to anyone,
    For if I do,
    I’m afraid that maybe that nightmare may resurface once again…