• EMO? crying
    is it really that bad?
    you cant accept the fact
    that i get a little sad?
    that i am a little mad?
    so i favor black
    and i dont like yellow
    you use those as reasons
    to make my soul sink
    so some of us cut
    and some of us dont
    we can smile
    laugh love and live
    sure we cry
    we want to DIE!
    but none of you understand
    its not like we planned
    to live life like this
    to spend our days
    depressed and amiss
    we're not bad people
    we dont worship satan
    we're not out to kill anyone else
    and we dont like ourselves
    as much as we could
    but we're ok with that
    you can call us ugly
    you can call us fat
    but you cant change who we are
    we are emo
    whats so wrong with that??