• Maybe its a sign
    A sign that maybe I should start over
    Only way I can do this, is to forget about everyone
    it's wrong, but it hurts
    I like him.. secretly he doesn't like me back
    I've seen him with my friend.. secretly it hurts
    Now he is temping it to go for another... secretly I want to scream
    Secretly... is that the only way i can do it?
    Secretly... I will learn to love from afar
    Secretly... it would hurt every time I see him
    Secretly... is all it will ever be... secretly
    Secretly... I don't want to see him, because it hurts
    Secretly... I want to scream
    Secretly... It comes from the inside
    Secretly... it will boil to the boil of boils
    Secretly... i will explode
    Secretly... no one will know
    But secretly.. i'll keep this secret a feeling to my heart
    Secretly... to myself