• snow swirling from field to field,
    numbing your face from it's blistery wind.
    children are laughing, enjoying the snow,
    and after a while, they go inside for hot cocoa.
    teens are cracking up, having some real fun,
    until school starts, that's when the fun's done.
    day by day, the snow grows and blows.
    slippery sidewalks,
    no place for street chalk.
    beautiful snowflakes, floating softly to the ground,
    so soft, you couldn't hear a sound.
    department store santas having some great laughs,
    as each child, waits for their turn while others have passed.
    warm winter nights, cuddling by the fire.
    wearing green and red, holiday attire.
    getting ready for the big night,
    hoping to hear a sleigh, maybe a sight.
    no one cares for the cold bite tonight.
    everyone together, happy as can be...
    until the next day... [no! that toy's for me!]

    Ashley Baron heart