• Falling to my knees, I'm getting sick.
    It's all swirling around, whirling me about
    Like a child on an out of control merry-go-round.
    Just going in circles like I always do.

    Meeting someone and caring too much.
    Letting it hurt when they let go. Letting it.
    Pushing too hard, pushing you away.
    It's all the same pattern, every time. Almost

    Here I am, still holding on. And yet I'm not.
    I date, I distract myself, but I still care.
    Holding on too tight, I push again.
    Why can't I stop this? I don't know.

    Still stuck on this spinning psycho ride.
    Here I go once more. Falling too fast.
    Moving, but never going anywhere.
    Just going in circles again. Falling.

    It's not always the same spin though.
    Not exactly, spiraling out of control.
    And now I'm being devoured. Chased.
    This time round I don't care, not like that.

    Loved, but not by anyone I love back.
    Chased while chasing, trying to catch.
    Trying to reach while going in circles.
    Unable to move, while moving all the same.

    Getting closer, yet always pushed or pulled.
    When does it slow down? Where can I jump off?
    Sick and dizzy, I want it to stop. All the pain.
    Everything can just go away, disappear, or quit.

    Falling, I pull myself up. Pushing forward, tipping
    Off the side I go, trying to hold on. Slipping I fall.
    No it's not the same spin, and yet it always is.
    Changes occur, but never the right ones. Help me.