• My friends say you like me,
    That "Its easy to see."
    "I know that look" they say
    But eh, i disagree

    I liked you at first
    But sixth grade doesn't count
    For you see, a week isn't long enough
    To feel truly devout

    Even though you constantly wail
    And curse at me too
    "F you DMT!"
    And of coarse tell me to "Shoo"

    Your message so straight
    And exact to the point
    Still my friends say "Just wait"
    "Your what he adores"

    They always explain
    That you'll soon ask me out
    That your feelings will "change"
    But i still have my doubts

    I like our conversations
    When we're just chilling out
    For i like you a lot
    Just not like that

    So if you so happen to see this
    Will you know who wrote it?
    If so just please note that i'll love you forever
    But not as you think

    For you are my friend
    And hold a special place in my heart
    But please, if you read this
    Please, PLEASE don't frown

    Because when you're not happy
    It makes me unhappy too
    Cause you have me
    And i have you

    And I'll always regret that i could never be your beau.