• Pain thrown in every direction; all around.
    My heart won't stop aching, my stomach's upside down.
    I can't stop crying.
    Inside i'm slowly dying.

    What's to live for when everything's all gone?
    No reason for any ******** pros and cons.
    Nothing to laugh at. Nothing to love.
    Only s**t to look back at that I can't seem to climb above.

    Mistakes lead to mysery.
    Forfeights led to failure.
    Leaving nothing to acompany me.
    On this search for a non-existing cure.

    A life lost in uncertainy.
    Followed by a road of pity.
    Given by those who don't understand.
    Whatever it is I can't comprehend.

    I've heard about the afterlife.
    But could never see it happening to mine.
    But usually what's not there to see.
    Ends up happening to me.