• When we're with other people I see what others might see,
    a boy who's like any other normal boy but when we're together
    I see something else. You make me laugh making me feel
    happy, you love me like no other, you look at me and say you
    love me, you make me blush when we kiss making my heart skip
    a beat. When I'm cold you are there to keep me warm, when
    I go somewhere you are there to walk with me, When I hug
    you you hug me back like you never want to let go, when I
    smile at you your always there to return the smile with a hug
    and kiss. Some people would look at you and think I've gone
    crazy but they haven't seen you on the inside, I have. You
    can't judge a book by its cover you have to read whats inside
    to fully know it. I saw that boy deep down inside when we're
    together, making my heart beat fast, my breath get caught in
    my throught, many emotions of happiness come over me. Any-
    body would be lucky to have you and thats what I am which is
    why I love you.