• You capture my thoughts
    Invade my mind, my dreams
    I'm torn, I'm caught
    It's not as simple as it seems

    I can't decide - right or left
    My music cannot calm
    Logic from my mind is swept
    I held the answer in my palm

    Stolen away, lost and gone
    A story once written is erased
    Is it dusk or is it dawn
    My rational thought misplaced

    Trusting, talking into the late hour
    Not sure who to believe
    Under the cover should I cower
    Whilst I my conscience retrieve?

    Lost or found can I not say or tell
    Opened eyes or darkened soul
    Am I sick or am I well
    Does the path lead toward the goal

    Tortured by myself, my own
    Within my heart of hearts
    Cannot see the light which shone
    For the fog and cloud which starts

    See the frenzied confusion
    Blame cast inwardly
    Where there once was union
    Shattered so easily