• Merry Christmas to the people of Earth,
    this is the day Mary gave birth.
    Her child name was none other than Jesus,
    he did whatever he needed to please us.
    He made the blind see,
    and set those who were trapped free.
    His goal in life was to let us go to heaven,
    to make our life as lucky as the number seven.
    His actions made some think,
    is he a god or is he in a link.
    A link of people who were fakers,
    who were nothing but people haters.
    These people were wrong of course,
    so God may have punished then with a lot of force.
    When Jesus was crusified to the cross,
    many people mourned for his loss.
    On the third day when he rose,
    he didn't seem to take anyone as foes.
    He loved and loved and loved some more,
    that's all he wanted to do to save people from going to the earth's core.