• Can't you see?
    The person in me?
    I'm not the same person you see on that screen.
    I don't wish to live in this dream.
    Look at the way they look at my face.
    They mourn and wish that they were in my place.
    Listen to me, because what you see,
    Is not really me.
    I cry at night.
    This may give you a fright.
    But I go to bed,
    Wishing I were dead.
    I hate it when I have to fake.
    And wanting to say, "Go jump in a lake."
    The hair, the smile is not mine.
    I do ofcourse wish that i was THAT fine.
    I still wonder why nobody can tell.
    Why I never studdered, tripped or fell.
    To them I am the greatest star.
    But they don't understand why my dreams are so far.
    My thoughts still swim in a deep, dark pool.
    Just wondering why everybodies a fool.