• My words flow like numbers
    Counting down the time
    In which I can write another rhyme
    But why do I keep counting
    For I can clearly see
    That I suck at poetry

    Everywhere, everyone knows that I’m really bad
    Beginning this poem was the worst idea I ever had
    Stop signs on the road flow endlessly
    Saying that I’m getting worse
    But that’s no news to me
    Because I suck at poetry

    I get phone calls each day telling me to halt
    And I feel really bad because this is all my fault
    People are getting sick from reading my bad lines
    Everyone is dying from my lame rhymes
    No, nothing in the world is fine
    Even my teacher has given me a D
    ‘Cuz I suck at poetry

    I must stop what I began
    I need to take criticism like a man
    The fate of the world rests in my hand
    My rhymes are getting worse
    I feel like this is a curse
    I hope I don’t have to call a nurse
    I guess I will never be free
    To write my sucky poetry

    I must end this now
    There’s no going back
    My poetry sucks and that’s a fact
    Flames spew from the depths of hell
    In which my talent fell
    My horrible poems must be put to death
    Or else there will be nothing left.