• You remember a long time ago,
    I was lost in delusion?
    Taken from this pretty place
    I found my solution.
    Cotton clouds and paper flowers
    Gave a new life to what I used to be.
    Angel's wings and sweet sour
    Tastes in my mouth gave us sanctity.
    I was soaring--
    Flying oh so much higher.
    I was in the breathless atmosphere.
    I was soaring--
    These wings take me higher.
    So save yourself 'til time draws near.

    For the years I wasted,
    Dear, I am so sorry.
    Innocent, belligerant,
    And constantly worried.
    The fail-safe in my head,
    You can't hold through morrow.
    The deadspaces inside your soul
    Are the bombshells that we burrow.

    This is a revelation I had in my slumber.
    This is a burning figment I keep asunder.
    Maliciously, I used to see you in my dreaming.
    Malevolent, I can't bleed the holy hemmorage.
    To believe is to keep you awkward.
    To grieve is to hold you near.
    i believe I can never be this hateful.
    I grieve for all the loathesome fear.
    Give me your heart, your sinning inner fire.
    Soar to save yourself, you self-loathing liar!
    I got too close and melted.
    Show me a smile, and I'll keep you here.

    For the years I wasted,
    Dear, I am so sorry.
    Innocent, belligerant,
    And constantly worried.
    The fail-safe in my head,
    You can't hold through morrow.
    The deadspaces inside your soul
    Are the bombshells that we burrow.

    Can't you leave today?
    Below forgotten.
    Can't you leave this way
    And incorporate?
    Incorporate... Your voice!

    Forgive the ancient ways.
    Interior disguarded.
    Forget this age old place
    And invade!
    Invade your poise today!

    Just shatter.
    I'll shatter.
    I'll just break away!