• Lonliness Is the Only thing That Can Seperate you From Yourself.
    Its like You dont Even Know yourself.
    You want Someone Else so You dont Even Care about Who YOU are and What YOU want to be.
    Lonliness Is Why People Cry.
    L O N E L Y
    C R Y.
    They Have1thing In Common.
    They all End in Y.
    Why I am Feeling this Way?
    Why Doesnt Anyone Love Me? Or Care about me?
    Why Am I Living?
    Lonliness is the Only Thing That Can Make Someone Doubt.
    Doubt Life.
    Doubt Love.
    And Even Worse.
    Doubt their Exsistence.
    Which Leads us To The S Word.
    If No one Loves Me, Then There is No Reason To Be On This Earth.
    They Do It.
    Its Over.
    The Ended Their Life.
    Lonliness Is Deadly.
    You Let it go To Far, it Becomes Lethal.