• i was waiting by the window space
    no presents here to take up space
    a tiny tree but big in my heart
    a second hand one..always falling apart

    looking at the stars and i wait
    for the clock to strike
    and change the date
    its christmas eve cant you tell
    i waited so long i almost fell

    im waiting for santa to come here
    for instead of presents i need a favor
    this year.
    see my parents are in comas and are very sick
    the doctor says their time is coming quick

    and ive heard of christmas miracles people would say.
    thats why i stayed up until christmas day

    then when i almost fell asleep
    i heard something coming from the chimney sweep
    it was santa i saw
    and i watched in awe

    he turned around and saw me
    i hoped that he wouldnt flee
    but i was wrong and he made a dash
    "wait!"i called
    but he was gone in a flash

    i dropped to my knees tears in my eyes
    i guess christmas miracles are just lies.
    so i layed on the couch and rested my head.
    i fell asleep but awoke in my bed.

    to my surprise everyone had a gift
    my brother and my sister opened teirs first
    each ending in a happynessburst.

    we opened alone cause mom and dad couldnt show.
    they were at the hospital getting worse
    acting as if under a terrible curse

    i looked around.
    no present for me?
    but i looked way back behind the tree
    it was a beautiful sight
    a present wrapped as lovely as a moonlit night
    i opened the box to find a note
    something santa himself had wrote

    the phone rang before i could read the letter
    it was the doctor..he says my parents are better!!
    they awoke from their comas today
    they'll be home in 1 week
    but for now they must stay

    i jumped up with cheer
    then i read the note
    "miracles are true from what people speak.tell your parents i said hi when they come home next week."