• My plea for tomorrow

    Waking up before the bright sunshine
    Waiting for the day to unwind
    Itself, above the mountains and the trees
    Awaken the birds. Awaken the bees

    Today, just like the days before.

    Whatever happened to living life to its best?
    The days ahead will blend into the rest
    Of the time that will pass these people by
    Almost waiting, just waiting for their time to die.

    Where is the future we sought before today?

    We know where we’re at, but not where we’ll go
    We’ve all lost our way. This is true, I know.
    Traded peace and happiness for lust and greed
    Watching everyone fight to take more than they need.

    Don’t they know their selfishness isn’t worth all that pain?

    When they all learn that life’s not a game
    Maybe so many people won’t die in vain
    Maybe our streets won’t be flooded with drug dealers and whores
    Maybe our people can take the bars off their doors
    And live in peace like we wanted to, so long ago.

    When the air wasn’t toxic and the rivers didn’t flow
    With fish full of mercury. When people were kind
    To each other and helped one another without giving mind
    To what they got out of it, or their reward
    Because there would be days where they’d need help or more.

    When the killing stops and the fighting ceases,
    Let’s try to live like we did before we tore it to pieces
    That’s my plea for tomorrow, my wish for today.
    That’s my hope for our people. That’s all I can say.