• In December we met, failing in love. telling each other stories just to pass the time from that day on we were inseparable every day was like a dream I never had been happier in my life we had the same past so knowing each other’s feelings wasn’t hard to understand or so I thought by February without knowing you decided that I was a fool for falling in love, everyone who knew me laughed. Tell me why? Did you lie about yourself just to make fun of me or were the hugs and kisses true. Are my friend worth more than me, was being popular worth breaking my heart. It ended before it even started, I wanted to scream to cry but you were there, my buddies, my pals say you’re perfect. if that’s true then why pick on someone who has no love and that is ready to fall off the cliff never wanted popularity but it seems you did tell me am I just another one of your victims on the road to fame because your name is in my brain, in my heart like a scar that can’t be erased that’s what you left me a scar with a broken heart. What’s gonna happen to me now, that I’ve lost hope in ever finding anyone?