• You can kiss away the tears but you can’t stop the rain inside
    You can tell me all the wonderful things but you cant take away the storms
    Lighten the days but the still dark remains
    Banish the clouds but the puddles still stay
    On to the next to clear my life of the clouds and rain
    Talk to me quietly but it magnifies to thunder
    Touch me gently but it stings like lighting bright and singed
    Another gives up and on to the next to clear my soul
    Douse me in water and the flames burst forth
    Say you’ll stay with me and you’ll run farther away
    They’ve all given up on this weather disaster
    But I don’t want to give up. There’s still one person
    Left who looks at my storms like it’s a lovely rose
    And stays with me and cradles my rain and
    Takes on my thunder and lightning to see he needs me
    More than I need him to me that he also has a raging
    Storm above his head and its morphing with my own in our
    Lugubrious world is each other with our storms to help each other to live