• Cut my throat
    Slit my wrists
    I could honestly care less

    I'm leaving this world
    Whether I like it or not
    So why can't you be the reason?

    This bitter world will blame somebody for this death
    While I sit in hell listening to the screams
    But I'm used to the screamin', none of it's any different

    Who cares? it's not my problem; it's always gonna be yours anyway
    Always has been now hasn't it?
    Either way I was gonna leave

    I was gonna run away
    But you killed me before I had the chance
    But we all ended up happy now didn't we?

    Now I don't have to hear your voice
    While you no longer have to see this face
    But even though I'm dead, I'm still living

    So go ahead and bury me in the ground
    I know you've always wanted to
    Let those stupid white teeth shine with that disgusting smile

    Place the gravestone at the top and let it read:
    "Here lies Marissa; A loyal friend and wonderful daughter. R.I.P."
    Go ahead and keep spreading those lies... They're only everything you are