• In my mind, its trapping me. Holding me down in
    its pit of darkness. I'm trapped in the water,
    which I can't return. I obviously can't swim, but
    every time I try, I keep sinking. I felt good
    knowing that I had friends that could help pull
    me out, but no one ever did. I hate having to know
    that if I made one decision, it would make one person happy,
    but another sad, and have to hate me. No one gets it,
    they're trapped in their own little world of problems,
    but no one seems to realize that I'm drowning
    trying to make every person in the world
    so ******** happy, but yet, I haven't succeded. Every one is still so
    angry or depressed. And you know what a kid said to me the other
    To go turn around and DIE
    Maybe I should've just turned around and died. That would do no good
    because that one person would be happy, but everyone else I know
    wouldn't. So that brings me back to where we started.
    Should I let the water consume me? Or should I fight?

    By: Nicole, my closest friend.