• Oh Angel is this what you dreamed of?
    Fading, falling before you even realize the reasons
    All the lives winding through your hands
    Before you know its fading, draining
    Its nothing, that buzzing sound
    It follows the hollow beat of the soul's song
    Sing of what dreams are made of
    The winding around your hands
    This is what dreams are made of
    The hollow beat of one's heart
    Never was such a hollow future to be
    Centuries, so many have gone by
    Yet nothing has changed
    The dreams fall from your grasp
    Fading, falling before you realize the reasons
    All the lives winding through your hands
    Was this what you intended?

    Buzzing, how faint a hum could be
    The melody of one's hollow heart
    The soul's song of what was never to be
    Centuries, so many have gone by
    Yet the Angel sits and smiles
    All the lives winding through those beautiful hands
    Falling, fading becoming nothing
    Voices of song never to be heard
    Falling like grains of sand from those beautiful hands

    Oh Angel is that what you dreamed of?
    To be so blind to the sands in your beautiful hands
    The ones you were meant meant to protect
    Lips are moving but no words come
    Dreams falling from your grasp
    Fading, falling before you realize the reasons
    Reasons of the need for happiness
    Is this what you intended?

    Purety is continuely soiled with corruption
    Yet the greedy continue to dream
    And the helpless continue to cry their desires
    From the depths of despair come hope of a new day
    As the sands fall from your beautiful fingertips
    Oh Angel, was this what you had in mind?