• Math is like a love story.
    Fisrt you have the x and y.
    They love to death and finally when combined,
    They get the product.
    Easy at it is,
    that's also the formula of love.
    Take one person and add it to another one
    like x and y, their love must produce somethig
    x plus y equals one.
    Now we are one,
    See how this works?
    Love is like the math you made.

    Day by day, we see math everywhere
    You see it at the store,
    in the classroom hall,
    in the school clubs,
    at work
    and even at home
    Day by day, we see love everywhere
    You see it at the store,
    in the lassroom hall,
    in the school clubs
    at work,
    and of course at home.

    See how math works?
    See how love works?

    Take a look to geometry,
    Two vertical angles, opposite from each other
    are going to have the same angle...
    Like this theroem.
    Love has its own:
    Two persons, vertical from each other,
    living the same life, would get along.
    They would be the same.

    See how love works.

    The next time you wonder,
    when am I going to use all this useless math,
    Think twice.
    See outside the picture,
    outside the equation and square root.

    See how they work?
    Math and love are almost the same,

    You gotta love math.