• Pulling Away

    From inside something’s not right,
    Once it’s time I’ll put up a fight,
    On the sidelines I see myself,
    In the past and the present,
    I don’t see a future.

    I’m pulling away, pulling away, from the inside,
    I’m pulling away, pulling away, from what is right.
    The clock is ticking out the time,
    From this oh so sad rhyme.
    I’m tired of this, is there nothing to miss?

    It seems like forever since I thought about time,
    People just stop to ask,
    “Would you like cheese with that wine?”
    As I roll my eyes,
    I think about how hard I’ve tried but,
    People persist to remind me about the pain.
    I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins,
    As I think ahead of time.

    I pull away from what I hide,
    Unfortunately I keep it all inside.
    Is there nothing to do?
    Nothing to say?
    Someone here has to pay and,
    Something here has to change.

    I look at my surroundings,
    Trying to find a way out.

    I pull away from my peers,
    Continually hiding my fears,
    Can anyone see my tears?

    I start to wonder why I’m here,
    Is there anyone that cares?
    Would anyone here like to share,
    Their thoughts?
    Their feelings?
    Am I the only one to share?
    Nothing here is fair.
    I step out the door,
    Does anyone want to hear more?
    I try my best but you know the rest.

    I pull away from what has happened,
    When I know there is no end.
    So no I fend,
    With my fear and pain,
    As I pull away,