When somone you have passion heart
    it dosnt go away
    sadly it nags you
    so after awhile you get more and more saden through the day
    but what really sadens you is that a person you have passion for dosn't have passion back crying
    somtime you might think its okay but inside your soul has faded,dreams turn into nightmare's
    your heart is in grief and pain
    your heart srceams with more pain and sadness but evertime it screams
    no one can hear
    some how they dont notice that you passion is at strong as rock
    but when the rock crumbles
    all you can do is cry, cuz you blame your self
    but you think to your self i need to dry it up and get off your knees's and move on.....stop and let your self say passion hurts...and i will never have passion for him again.....
    then the day he relized that you where the one...and he asks you over and over again to be his.....but just turn your head and say NO! cuz your passion hurt neutral