• A sigh of boredom, or a sigh of frustration,
    I can no longer tell...
    I am deaf to my own voice
    numb to my own feelings
    blind to my own image
    mute to my own rights
    The life I live is not my own...
    I am but a pawn,
    Just a marionette
    and they pull my strings for the thrill of it....
    Making me do and feel what they want me to,
    What they feel is engraved on me,
    what they want to do but can not accomplish is my task...
    although, before all of this, there was a light in my life
    You were my light in the dark, and they smudged you out
    what, with their hatred and chaos
    my heart says "yes,do it"
    my mind says "no, it's wrong"
    A long time ago my heart used to be the stronger one....
    but that was long ago
    now we'll never know
    how it was supposed to go
    but I want you to always know....
    no matter what they do to me
    my spirit will always be free
    and you will still belong to me
    ...My love