• So many things I want to say to you, I don't know where to start
    I'll say it all through rhymes written by my mastery of this art.
    'Cause if I told you face-to-face I might trip over endless words and emotions
    Making me look like a madman with unknown motives and notions.

    But if there was a reason I was crazy, it's most likely you.
    Don't feel bad, don't be sad, there was nothing you could do.
    But you can relax, I'm not so crazy that I'd treat life like some game.
    On the contrary, once you know me, you'd find I'm quite sane.

    We've all grown up listening to many legends and tales
    Of genies from magic lamps and pirates stealing the world by sails.
    Of many a knight in shining armor who'd rather die than he fails
    Of ruthless kings of faraway lands whom a relunctant princess hails.

    Your wish wouldn't be my command, it would be my life.
    If I was a pirate you'd be the greatest treasure seen by my one eye.
    I'd slay twenty dragons for you if you could live for one more sec.,
    And a king ever imprisoned you, I would break his God-forsaken neck.

    Scratch that, I WILL rather than would,
    I SHALL rather than should, and CAN rather than could.
    Anything and everything to see you laugh, see you smile,
    To see your eyes shine, it's always worth my while.

    If I could be the one who cheers you up when you're sad,
    To crack you up like you're watching Comedy Central when you are glad,
    To fill the heart's of others with cold if they dare make you mad,
    Perhaps maybe then life wouldn't be so bad.

    I don't mind if you find someone else, as long as you are happy
    As long as you are smiling, I won't ever feel that crappy.
    But if he makes you cry, hurts you inside, tries every trick to make you sick.
    Call the cops, but remember, I will shatter his bones with a twenty pound brick.

    Another Valentine's day has come and gone,
    But my love for you has long since begun,
    I could do no more than wish you were mine,
    And ask if you could be my Valentine..