• Once upon a time there was a sailor who had a beautiful fiancee and a best friend he felt at ease around... These 3 were childhood friends, and were always looking out for each other.
    Unfortunately over the years together the best friend had fallen in love with the sailor's fiancee. And then, the friend, obsessed with the idea of have her, would stop at nothing to possess the fiancee... framed the sailor for a crime he did not commit.
    Unbeknownst to anyone, the poor sailor spent more than a decade chained up in a prison located in the depths of space.
    But then a miracle accorded and the sailor was set free, whereupon her returned to earth. However, the beautiful fiancee, rather than waiting for the sailor's return, had become engaged to his friend instead.
    The sailor, now betrayed by both his best friend and his fiancee, never returned to earth again.

    Question: Why did the sailor's friend steal away his fiancee inspite of their friendship?