• Upon my grave, I see you weep,
    I wish my promise, I could keep.
    Tears flow down your frosty face,
    I sit on my grave, and pick at the dark lace.
    Why can you not see me? Why can you not hear?
    My pleas and my cries my warnings so clear?
    I reach to touch, your skin that looks like paste,
    Licking your tears, admiring the taste.
    Lovingly ruffle your hair in my palms,
    You get up, your face will never return calm.
    The smile you show is just a minor lie,
    It’s all an act, just break down and cry!
    You bring me black roses, and talk to me,
    Even if I don’t talk back, or even see,
    This is how I want to spend my days, forever maybe.
    I will wait for you, and heal your broken heart,
    Because I will break that golden rule, “Till death do we part.”