• Maria Maria lovely as can be,
    you stay in the center for all to see.
    You wear dresses of the highest fashion
    while your eyes don't fail to show your passion.

    Maria Maria your just to lovely,
    when children come you act so motherly.
    You listen to there troubles and cries
    and soothe them to sleep with lullabies.

    Maria Maria you love to dance
    and your movements put me in a trance.
    Your dress sway back and forth
    while you show the world you have your own worth.

    Maria Maria your body is amazing
    and it takes men all there power from gazing.
    You glow like a sunrise
    and your beauty is of course no surprise.

    Maria Maria you could have any man
    and this has them eating out of your hand.
    You simply touch them and they shiver
    and your rejection turns their tears into a river.

    Maria Maria your ever so white
    as this is a terrible end to an amazing night.
    You'd weep at this sight if you could
    as you and your bed are covered in blood.

    Maria Maria why on your lavish bedside
    would you ever want to commit suicide?
    Your heart is pierced to end your life
    with your hands still holding the knife.

    Maria Maria how did we not see
    that in your life you were anything but free.
    You were coveted by everyone
    but you never could find that special someone.

    Maria Maria they bury you finally
    as peoples faces are contorted angrily.
    On this day we will all cry
    because today is the day you decided to die.