• The demons rise
    To claim their prize

    God’s holy minion
    Sent to brighten

    The terrible night
    When light and dark fight

    The angel pulled his sword
    And without another word

    Stood ready to battle
    To slaughter them like cattle

    His hand was steady
    His mind clear and ready

    The demons rush with a mighty roar
    And would be remembered forevermore

    And so they clash
    In a fair match

    The angel standing alone
    To force demons to atone

    An army below him
    Dark and grim

    They swing and bash
    In a mighty clash

    Demon blood is spilt
    As he gripped the golden hilt

    Their heads went a flying
    Into the sky

    To fall to the earth
    As slow as a baby’s birth

    The angel stands
    With swords in hand

    Around him lay demons
    Cold and dead

    As the angel stands heart filled with dread
    For the demons souls eaten like bread

    For the angel powerful as he was
    Could not fight for the wrong cause

    And know he realized what he had done
    Even if he had no fun

    He walked away with a solemn face
    As he know he had just wiped out an entire race

    Up he looked into the sky
    As time flew away by and by

    His sword was stained with blood and hate
    And all he could do was stand and wait

    For the merciful Lord to lift him up
    Into heaven to drink from golden cups

    And finally the time did come
    When a light came, the sky from

    He went into gods hands
    Into the Holy Land

    The angel did not age or tire
    Laying on his bed of clouds, playing his lyre

    But forevermore did he see
    The sight of demons on their knees

    Now his sword was calm and in all
    Hanging limply on the wall

    His head was filled with thoughts of regret
    For he longed to forgive those demons yet

    So he went to god with a plea and a cry
    To forgive the demons and let them fly

    And god with his mercy and grace
    Forgave the demon’s entire race

    Now they sit
    Content and fit

    Growing old
    On chairs of gold

    And god said remember this deed
    For when you are in need

    There is always someone who loves you
    And who will let you start anew

    But eventually the demons rose
    Why they did no one knows

    They attempted to conquer god
    With spear ax and sword

    But god was peaceful calm and brave
    And didn’t scream roar or rave

    Instead he called for his trusted angel
    “Why?” he said “did you forgive them?”

    And the angel said it was the right thing to do
    They are traitors but they knew

    They took our grace
    To infiltrate our race

    To try to cause mistrust
    But now we know and we do what we must

    And so the angel drew his sword
    And gave the Lord his solemn word

    That though the demons rise
    They shall not get their prize…

    And yet again the battle started
    The demons rise and then thwarted

    But god forgave them again and again
    After the 100th time then

    Even god’s mercy and grace
    Could not save the demon race

    He banished them into hell
    Where they are none can tell

    For the demons tested their luck
    And crawled out from their filth and muck

    To test god and his legions of angels
    They attacked and attacked from every angle

    Now they are gone
    Defeated…and gone